Solaris、OpenSolaris、OpenIndiana、FreeBSD、FreeNASとかで実装されてるFile System。最近はLinuxの方が主っぽいが。
===== 使う =====
- [[.:version:]]
- [[.:info:]]
- [[.:create:]]
- man読むのが早いよ。(えー
# zpool get all rpool1
rpool1 size 7.94G -
rpool1 capacity 31% -
rpool1 altroot - default
rpool1 health ONLINE -
rpool1 guid 17572893505996813045 default
rpool1 version 28 default
rpool1 bootfs rpool1/ROOT/solaris local
rpool1 delegation on default
rpool1 autoreplace off default
rpool1 cachefile - default
rpool1 failmode wait default
rpool1 listsnapshots off default
rpool1 autoexpand off default
rpool1 dedupditto 0 default
rpool1 dedupratio 1.00x -
rpool1 free 5.42G -
rpool1 allocated 2.51G -
rpool1 readonly off -
# zpool history zroot | head
History for 'zroot':
2021-02-22.22:17:37 zpool create -o altroot=/mnt -O compress=lz4 -O atime=off -m none -f zroot ada0p3
2021-02-22.22:17:37 zfs create -o mountpoint=none zroot/ROOT
2021-02-22.22:17:37 zfs create -o mountpoint=/ zroot/ROOT/default
2021-02-22.22:17:37 zfs create -o mountpoint=/tmp -o exec=on -o setuid=off zroot/tmp
2021-02-22.22:17:37 zfs create -o mountpoint=/usr -o canmount=off zroot/usr
2021-02-22.22:17:38 zfs create zroot/usr/home
2021-02-22.22:17:38 zfs create -o setuid=off zroot/usr/ports
2021-02-22.22:17:38 zfs create zroot/usr/src
2021-02-22.22:17:38 zfs create -o mountpoint=/var -o canmount=off zroot/var
# zfs get all rpool
rpool type filesystem -
rpool creation 日 2月 6 2:25 2011 -
rpool used 14.6G -
rpool available 4.97G -
rpool referenced 45.5K -
rpool compressratio 1.00x -
rpool mounted yes -
rpool quota none default
rpool reservation none default
rpool recordsize 128K default
rpool mountpoint /rpool default
rpool sharenfs off default
rpool checksum on default
rpool compression off default
rpool atime on default
rpool devices on default
rpool exec on default
rpool setuid on default
rpool readonly off default
rpool zoned off default
rpool snapdir hidden default
rpool aclinherit restricted default
rpool canmount on default
rpool xattr on default
rpool copies 1 default
rpool version 5 -
rpool utf8only off -
rpool normalization none -
rpool casesensitivity sensitive -
rpool vscan off default
rpool nbmand off default
rpool sharesmb off default
rpool refquota none default
rpool refreservation none default
rpool primarycache all default
rpool secondarycache all default
rpool usedbysnapshots 0 -
rpool usedbydataset 45.5K -
rpool usedbychildren 14.6G -
rpool usedbyrefreservation 0 -
rpool logbias latency default
rpool dedup off default
rpool mlslabel none default
rpool sync standard default
rpool org.openindiana.caiman:install ready local
- OpenIndiana v148を基準にしてみる。
- 一応ZFSとZPOOLのバージョンは別々。
- 一般にZFS v28とか言われるものは、ZPOOL v28を指してる。ZFSは大体4とか5です。
# zpool upgrade -v
This system is currently running ZFS pool version 28.
The following versions are supported:
--- --------------------------------------------------------
1 Initial ZFS version
2 Ditto blocks (replicated metadata)
3 Hot spares and double parity RAID-Z
4 zpool history
5 Compression using the gzip algorithm
6 bootfs pool property
7 Separate intent log devices
8 Delegated administration
9 refquota and refreservation properties
10 Cache devices
11 Improved scrub performance
12 Snapshot properties
13 snapused property
14 passthrough-x aclinherit
15 user/group space accounting
16 stmf property support
17 Triple-parity RAID-Z
18 Snapshot user holds
19 Log device removal
20 Compression using zle (zero-length encoding)
21 Deduplication
22 Received properties
23 Slim ZIL
24 System attributes
25 Improved scrub stats
26 Improved snapshot deletion performance
27 Improved snapshot creation performance
28 Multiple vdev replacements
For more information on a particular version, including supported releases,
see the ZFS Administration Guide.
# zfs upgrade -v
The following filesystem versions are supported:
--- --------------------------------------------------------
1 Initial ZFS filesystem version
2 Enhanced directory entries
3 Case insensitive and File system unique identifier (FUID)
4 userquota, groupquota properties
5 System attributes
For more information on a particular version, including supported releases,
see the ZFS Administration Guide.
- RAIDZでresilver中の停電を想定した簡易試験。
- 壊れ方によって対処法が少し異なる。
- 基本コマンドと故障対応位はまとめておきたい。
- 作為的な破損例
- http://twitter.com/hasegaw/status/15567576142716928
- また、バイナリの操作を人為的に行えば、簡単にプールは壊れる。
- 使用率と性能の関係考察(ただし大して意味はなかった)
- 一次性能測定環境構成: http://www.ainoniwa.net/ssp/?p=224
- Single: http://www.ainoniwa.net/ssp/?p=228
- RAID0 : http://www.ainoniwa.net/ssp/?p=264
- RAID1 : http://www.ainoniwa.net/ssp/?p=329
- RAIDZ : http://www.ainoniwa.net/ssp/?p=331
- RAIDZ2: http://www.ainoniwa.net/ssp/?p=354
- RAIDZ3: http://www.ainoniwa.net/ssp/?p=376
- 参考
- ZFS Day 2011.10
- Solaris ZFS 参考資料
- zpool statusを見たとき、gptid/01234567-89ab-cdef-ghij-klmnopqrstuvのようになる時がある。
- mirror構成なら、zpool detachした後、zpool attachで付け直すと元に戻る。
- 無理矢理ZFS構成を変える。
- FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASEでGPTなHDDにZFSでRootを確保してそこからbootする
最終更新日: 2021-05-24 07:18:08